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Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building
By cultivating a mindful, positive online presence, I’ve built a community of like-minded individuals who are equally committed to making the world a better place than how they found it.
Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building
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Terms of Service

This Acceptable Use Policy is incorporated by referenced into the Planoly Terms of Use and provides guardrails for Creator Content and behaviors that are permitted and prohibited on Planoly. Please review our Acceptable Use Policy. By using Planoly, you agree to be bound by this Acceptable Use Policy and to abide by it at all times, including but not limited to its application to your Creator Content, Public Posts, and any other use of the Services.  

Best Practices

  • Use your best efforts to prevent unauthorized access to or use of the Services, including by maintaining a strong password and keeping your password and other login credentials confidential.
  • Monitor and control all activity conducted through your Planoly account.
  • Notify us promptly if you become aware of our suspect any security breach regarding your account, including any loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure or use of your or any of your team member’s login credentials. 
  • Comply with the terms and policies applicable to all Linked Services as more particularly described in the Terms of Use
  • Ensure your Creator Content is respectful. Before Posting Creator Content, texting a Customer, or otherwise interacting with any third party, ask yourself whether you would say this to someone’s face? Would you be embarrassed if your parent, grandparent, sibling, guardian, or hero saw your Creator Content? 
  • Consider the age of your audience. Are you sending content related to alcohol, tobacco, and/or adult content? Is the content appropriate for potential viewers under 18 years of age? Is the subject matter legal to promote or sell to potential viewers under 21 years of age?
  • If you aren’t sure whether Creator Content violates this Acceptable Use Policy, consider editing the Creator Content, placing an age filter, and/or contacting us at
  • Only share content you trust. If you are sharing a link, do you trust the source? Is it a trusted website? Is the news story well-researched? Could someone inadvertently come across prohibited content by clicking a link? Do you have permission to share it?
  • People have differing opinions. We don’t all share the same point of view and diversity of opinion helps us to grow and improve our audiences. Consider how you share your opinion and the impact of your contributions on individuals before sharing something that others may find controversial.
  • Be aware of carrier regulations. All messages are sent via SMS and content must adhere to both our Acceptable Use Policy and any other standards set by wireless carriers. We update our Terms of Use to incorporate these regulations, however these are subject to change without notice.

Prohibited Content

We prohibit any use of Planoly to upload Creator Content, Public Posts, or otherwise send messages that include (or link to) any of the following: 

  • Abuse. You may not engage in any abusive behavior, including instances of or attempts to harass or share unwanted communications, intimidate or silence others. Similarly, you may not call for others to engage in this type of behavior. 
  • Child Sexual Exploitation Content. Message content and/or links to content that feature, share, promote, or facilitate the sexual exploitation of children are strictly prohibited. This includes this type of content and/or links to content in media, text, illustrations, computer generated images. You may not engage or attempt to engage a child in a sexually explicit conversation, or attempt to obtain sexually explicit media from a child. When we become aware of content depicting or promoting child sexual exploitation, we will remove the responsible account and report it to the appropriate authorities. 
  • Hateful Content. You may not share hate speech or otherwise discriminate against, promote violence, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of immutable characteristics, such as race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, serious disease, etc. This includes a prohibition against sharing hateful slurs, imagery, videos, and other forms of media, as well as links that share this type of content. 
  • Misinformation and Disinformation. You may not share or promote any content that is false, misleading, or inaccurate. We take swift action when we identify harmful misinformation or disinformation and sharing this type of content may result in permanent deactivation of your account. 
  • Violent Content. You may not share content advocating, promoting, celebrating, or encouraging violence, physical harm, or death against any individual group, entity, or organization. You may not share instructions or materials related to the assembly of bombs or other weapons, or promote violence using firearms or other weapons. You may not share content that promotes, supports, or affiliates with violent extremist and terrorist groups. We do not tolerate violent threats of any kind. If we identify an exigent violent threat that targets an identifiable individual or group we will work to share the relevant information with the appropriate law enforcement authorities when possible to prevent the harm. 
  • Sexual Content. Carriers have strict guidelines regarding sexual content. You may not share content that contains, depicts, or promotes pornography, sexual products, sexually explicit material, sexual services, content that is tended to elicit sexual arousal, or any other obscene material. You may not share any content that is sexually exploitative of any individual. some text
    • Sharing of Non-Consensual Content. You may not share intimate photos, videos, or other media of someone that was produced or distributed without their consent, even if it otherwise adheres to this policy. This includes images or videos that superimpose or digitally manipulate an individual’s face onto another person’s nude or semi-nude body. 
    • Unwanted Sexual Advances. You may not share unwanted sexual advances and content that sexually objectifies an individual without their consent. This includes sending someone unwanted sexual language, media, imagery, the sexual discussion of someone’s body, or the solicitation of sexual acts.
  • Illegal and Regulated Products, Activities, Goods and Services. You must respect all applicable laws and carrier policies while using our services, including any restrictions regarding the sharing of content that promotes or sells prohibited products and/or activities. This includes a prohibition against any content or activity featuring, encouraging, offering, or soliciting an illegal activity, good(s), or service(s). Our policies prohibit you from promoting, selling, or encouraging the use of any of the following products or services: some text
    • Underage Drinking. You may not share alcohol-related content to users under the legal drinking age (21 years of age in the U.S.). This includes cocktail recipes, drinking games, alcohol related memes/jokes, and alcohol-related questions, among other content. 
    • Drugs. You may not share any content related to the sale or use of illegal drugs. Additionally, you may not share content related to the use or sale of Cannabis (including CBD products) or Psilocybin. However, you may share content related to scientific research of these products. 
    • Health Remedies. You may not share inaccurate, false, or unverified information regarding health remedies, treatments, cure-all solutions, vaccines, or medicine.
    • Tobacco. You may not sure tobacco-related content to users under the legal age (18 years of age in the U.S.).  
    • Vape Products. You may not share any content related to the sale or promotion of these products, regardless of the end-user’s age. 
  • Violations of Other’s Rights. If it isn’t yours and you do not have permission, then don’t share it. some text
    • Intellectual Property. You may not share any material that violates the rights of third parties, including patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, publicity, privacy, or other proprietary rights.
    • Private Information. You may not share anyone’s private or personal information without their express, written consent (or parent’s consent for minors), and you may not threaten to do so. Private information can include location, identification documents, financial information education records, biometric data and medical records and any other private information prohibited by law or carrier regulations. For Creators, please refer to Targeting below for additional details on building your audience. 
    • Publicity and Defamation. You may not make false statements about someone that damages that person’s reputation, or otherwise use their name, persona, or image for marketing or advertising without their permission. 
    • Deep Fakes. Deepfakes are manipulated or digitally-altered audio, video, or image works that portray a person, event, or scene in a way that is not real or did not occur. Examples include, but are not limited to, superimposing an individual’s face onto a different body, or manipulating audio recordings to fabricate audio portraying a person saying something they did not say.some text
      • The following types of deepfakes are prohibited:some text
        • Deepfakes that intimidate, bully, harass, incite violence against, or harm the reputation of one or more persons.
        • Deepfakes that incorporate an individual’s image or likeness in sexualized contexts in which they did not partake.
        • Deepfakes that use a public figure’s image, likeness, or voice to deceive through misrepresentative or fraudulent product endorsements, promotions, phishing, financial scams, and merchandise sales, among others. Deepfakes of public figures may be permitted, however, if they are satirical or parodic in nature, or focus on political or social commentary. Examples may include using humor, irony, sarcasm, exaggeration, or imitation to critique an individual, institution, or societal issue.
  • Harmful Content. You may not share content that may cause harm to others, or may inspire others to harm themselves. This includes content that is advocating for avoidance of medical treatment and any content that is supportive of self-harm, eating disorders, or suicide. 
  • Spam and Deceptive Activity. You may not share spam or use Planoly to engage in bulk, aggressive, or deceptive activity. Spam includes any unsolicited commercial message related to products, services, or content or any other telemarketing calls or texts. You may not mislead others by operating fake accounts or attempting to impersonate another person, group, or entity. 
  • Prohibited Commercial Activity. In addition to any commercial activity that is mentioned above, you may not share content related to types of commercial activity, products, or services, including, but not limited to: pyramid schemes, fraudulent donations solicited by entities that are not legally recognized non-profits; dangerous or harmful goods, such as counterfeit, defective, or otherwise dangerous products and services; sponsored messages or selling third-parties the ability to send messages or Creator Content through our Services without our written permission; online and direct pharmaceutical sales; work-at-home businesses; gambling, betting or wagering activities and services; mortuaries and cemeteries; peer-to-peer direct financial transactions via text, e.g., PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, Swift, etc.; mortgage finance; and reclaiming of lost bank accounts or inheritance. 

Sensitive Content

Sensitive content is content that does not violate our Acceptable Use Policy, but may not be appropriate for all individuals. You must take steps to protect vulnerable groups, particularly children, from receiving and/or accessing sensitive content. Sensitive content includes things such as adult or allowable sexual content; profanity; alcohol; tobacco; graphic imagery; etc.

Off-Platform Activity

We are committed to making our Services a safe and welcoming place. The Company will also enforce and/or permanently remove Creators when we become aware of severe offenses that occur off platform, such as extreme violence, Contactship or participation in hate groups, terrorist recruitment, or predatory sexual behavior.


You may use information gleaned about your Customers in order to target Customers based on their interests; provided, however, that you may not use any Customer information to discriminate against, threaten, harass, target, or exclude people on the basis of immutable characteristics, such as race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, serious disease, etc. 

Data Exports

We reserve the right to deny the export of any Contact data, including any uses of the data that we believe may result in spam messages or calls to be sent to Contacts. Further, you may not export a Contact’s data for use in a manner that violates our Acceptable Use Policy. Per our spam policy, you may not export data with the purpose of making telemarketing spam calls or texts. 

Last Modified: November 21, 2024

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