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Facebook Puts Out Rules for AI Created or Altered Ad Images

Allie Teegardin
February 16, 2024

In February, Meta published a post on its website detailing how the company is continuing to best handle the publication of AI-generated content on its social media apps. Currently, Meta’s own content created with Meta AI is labeled as “Imagined with AI.” The company said that in the coming months, it will also begin to label users’ AI created content, including images posted to Facebook, Instagram and Threads as well.

While this announcement comes at a time of heightened awareness about the pros and cons of AI, the topic is not new to Meta which said it has been “at the cutting edge of AI development for more than a decade.”

In this article, we will look at how social media platforms are working with AI-generated content and what it means for creators. We will also look at the pros and cons of using AI for social media content and offer some tips using Planoly’s AI caption writer.

AI and Social Media

Remember when sponsored social media content first started having required tags such as #ad and #sponsored added to content so users knew when someone was being paid to post about brand? Well, we have entered a new phase of social media content transparency with the explosion of AI-generated content surfacing on social media. Similar to how publishing sponsored content wasn't necessarily a bad thing, neither is publishing AI-generated content when done correctly and properly labeled.

Many people have been using AI tools in a variety of ways for years. For example, the popular AI communication assistant, Grammarly, has been helping people edit their writing since 2009. Writers simply paste their original content into the tool and receive extensive copy editing suggestions.The tool is free for basic use and offers a paid subscription for enhanced editing.  

Then, Chat GPT joined the scene and helped to not only edit but to also create written content based on a prompt or question supplied by the user. This tool has attracted some criticism for its accuracy as well as the ethics of using content created with it, especially when passing it off as original work. To learn more, check out this recent article about using Chat GPT for content creation here. As noted in the article, the tool is great for sparking creativity and providing elements of a creative brief framework. However, users shouldn’t expect to type in a prompt and within seconds have a fully written article they can claim as their own work. It’s a best practice to use it to get started with content, not fully craft it.

What is more, AI is not only being used to create and edit written content; it is creating visual content such as pictures too. Some of the creations have been so realistic that people have mistaken them for authentic photos. Social media platforms have taken notice and are responding, especially as it relates to political ads.

Last year, Meta established a set of rules for certain content such as political ads which went into effect early 2024. Meta now requires disclosure of when ad contain photorealistic images or videos created or altered with AI. To see the full details, read this article.

AI Generated Social Media Content

In regards to identifying and marking AI-generated content across Meta’s platforms, Nick Clegg, President, Global Affairs, said, “This work is especially important as this is likely to become an increasingly adversarial space in the years ahead. People and organizations that actively want to deceive people with AI-generated content will look for ways around safeguards that are put in place to detect it. Across our industry and society more generally, we’ll need to keep looking for ways to stay one step ahead.”

While Meta says it will continue to keep up with technological advances, specifically regarding AI-generated content,  it also reminds users to use due diligence and check accounts and content for trustworthiness. There is a great deal of personal responsibility required as well.

Will it Effect Your Performance

So what does this mean for users who want to create content with AI and share it on Facebook and Instagram? Meta is not discouraging the use of AI-generated content though it has made it clear that it is actively monitoring it. As this area continues to evolve, more rules will likely follow. However, the main consideration is an age-old one - don’t create and publish deceptive content. Creators should continue to be creative and at the same time be transparent when they use AI to help them along the way.

Now, does this mean if you use AI to help you come up with hashtags or brainstorm a quippy photo caption that you need to disclose it? Not necessarily. However, when AI has created most or all of the work you are publishing, that’s something else to be considered. As a best practice, keep it real and keep it fair. Let AI be a tool to help, not a substitute for doing the work yourself.


As content creators and even the casual social media user look to publish more engaging content with the assistance of AI tools, they can blast through those pesky creativity blocks. New tools are constantly entering the arena and opening more and more possibilities. Even Planoly has its own AI tool called the AI Caption Writer. It’s so simple to use and geared towards social media content assistance. Users plug in a description of the content and audience they are writing for, set the tone and then select from the array of content options provided to them.  Read more here about how to create relatable content and hashtags with Planoly’s AI Caption Writer.

And remember - when working with AI tools, it’s recommended to look at these as tools as just that - tools to help generate ideas and get creatively ignited. AI tools really shouldn’t be leaned upon to do all the work for creators. Not only does it take away from your unique voice, but readers may even lose trust in your content if it’s not yours. In a world filled with artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors and even artificial intelligence, be sure and always keep your social media content as natural and “you” as possible.

And speaking of keeping it real on social media, check out Planoly’s “The Year of the Creator” and see how creators are making social media work for them, including embracing AI.


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