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How to Use PLANOLY's New Feature: DRAFTS

Reilly Purl
March 14, 2017

Here at PLANOLY, we're all about listening to feedback from our community to improve our platform. We're constantly working to improve every aspect of PLANOLY to create a better experience, not only for your users but for ourselves as well! Our newest feature has been cultivated by ideas and feedback from our avid users, such as photographers and bloggers (thank you fam!). With that said, we'd like to introduce our newest feature: DRAFTS.

What is Drafts?

If you have too many images/media and get overwhelmed with uploading content to your Plan GRID, then this feature is for you. Our DRAFTS feature will allow you to curate your media for multiple campaigns on different drafts until you're ready to use it. The benefit of this feature is that rather than having all of your unscheduled images in your Plan GRID all at once, you can separate and organize them into different drafts first. This helpful feature is available on the APP and WEB dashboard. Here are step-by-step directions on how to use both APP and WEB along with our pro tips:

How to Use Drafts on APP:

  1. Go to your GRID view and select the "DRAFTS" icon (plus sign with grid) located on the upper right corner.
  2. Tap on the plus ("add") icon at the bottom of the screen to add a new DRAFT.
  3. Name your DRAFT based on the type of images or campaign (i.e., Hawaii Trip).
  4. Once created, tap on the DRAFT you want to add media to; then tap on the plus ("add") icon at the bottom of the screen to add your media (images/videos/gifs). You can add media from your camera roll, Dropbox, Google drive or add Placeholders.
  5. You can now drag and drop to curate your media within your DRAFT.
  6. When you're ready to move your content to your plan GRID, you can do one of two things:
  • Add entire DRAFT albums to Plan GRID:

- Go to your Draft View.

- Tap 'Select' button located on the upper right corner.

- Tap on the desired Draft album (i.e., Hawaii Trip).

- Tap 'Move to Grid' button located on the bottom left corner.

- You can now to go your Plan GRID to finish your planning flow.

  • Add individual media within a particular DRAFT album to Plan GRID:

- Go into your desired DRAFT album.

- Tap 'Select' button located on the upper right corner.

- Tap on the desired individual media(s).

- Tap 'Move to Grid' button located on the bottom left corner.

- You can now to go your Plan GRID to finish your planning flow.

  • APP TIP #1: You can select and add up to 9 images at a time to your DRAFTS on mobile.
  • APP TIP #2: You can re-name your DRAFT albums by tapping into a particular album, then tap on the label or title at the top. A pop-up will ask if you'd like to re-name the album. Make sure to tap SAVE if you do.
How to Use PLANOLY's New Feature DRAFTS 2

How to Use Drafts on WEB:

  1. To add DRAFTS, go to DRAFTS at the top navigation (next to PLAN).
  2. Click on New DRAFT card to create a new DRAFT album.
  3. Enter the label or title of your DRAFT album, and click 'Create'. DRAFT titles can be edited at any time.
  4. Drag and Drop your media or click on the 'Add Media to Draft' button in the DRAFT album to upload content from your computer.
  • Single Post Actions:
    1. Click and hold to drag content to change the order in the DRAFT album.
    2. Hover over an image and click on 'x' to remove/delete from the DRAFT album.
  • Multi-Select Actions:
    1. Click on the 'Multi-Select' icon to activate (located next to 'Add Media To Draft' button to the right).
    2. Select multiple posts to move to Plan GRID or to delete (these button options will come up from the bottom).
  • Edit Draft Album:
    1. Hover over a DRAFT thumbnail, and click on the pencil icon.
    2. Edit DRAFT Title and click save.
    3. Click the trash icon to delete DRAFT album.

- Create one or more DRAFTS to play around with before deciding which images or DRAFT Albums to 'ADD TO GRID'
- Label each DRAFT according to the campaign or theme.
- If you're a photographer or travel blogger, label your Drafts by destinations.
- If you're a brand or influencer, label your DRAFTS by campaigns or collaborations. We hope you love this new feature as much as we do! It's all in the name of planning and making people's lives as efficient as possible. Everyone can use more seamless organization in their life, so that's what we hope to bring! If you have any questions, send your questions to support @! Happy planning!


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