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By cultivating a mindful, positive online presence, I’ve built a community of like-minded individuals who are equally committed to making the world a better place than how they found it.
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A lie or a fake.
"You actually got tickets to the Beyonce concert? No cap?"
History and usage

In slang terms, "cap" originated from the phrase "capping," which means lying or exaggerating. So when someone says "no cap," it means they're being totally honest, keeping it real with you. It's like giving you their word without any tricks or falsehoods. Picture it as a verbal handshake—it's all about trust and authenticity.

On the flip side, if someone says "cap," it's a heads-up that what they're saying might not be entirely true. It's a way of calling out BS or letting you know they're not being genuine. Whether it's used to vouch for something legit or to call out a fib, "cap" and "no cap" have become go-to phrases for expressing honesty or skepticism in casual conversation. So, next time you're chatting with friends and someone drops a "no cap," you can rest assured they're speaking straight from the heart. And if you catch someone capping, well, it's all in good fun—just keep the vibes honest and authentic!


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