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Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building
By cultivating a mindful, positive online presence, I’ve built a community of like-minded individuals who are equally committed to making the world a better place than how they found it.
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Dead/I'm Dead

Strong positive emotional reaction.
I'm dead over these new Starbucks menu additions.

The phrase “I’m dead” has evolved from its literal meaning to become a humorous or positive comment since the 1990s. It gained popularity among younger generations with the growth and development of social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Typically, it has a positive connotation, whether from humor or admiration.For example, one may say their friend is so hilarious they are “dead” from laughter. Another person might express their love for a new release by saying they are "dead" over it. This usage is a form of hyperbole, where the speaker exaggerates their reaction for a dramatic or comedic effect. People may also use the phrases “I’m deceased,"  “I’m dying,” or “dead” in interchangeable contexts.


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