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Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building
Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building
By cultivating a mindful, positive online presence, I’ve built a community of like-minded individuals who are equally committed to making the world a better place than how they found it.
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Obsessively craving something/someone
"It was Friday night after such a long week, so we were feining for a night out."

The term fein gained significant popularity over the past year and a half through TikTok and other social media platforms. It is commonly used to describe someone who is intensely craving or obsessing over something. The rise in its usage was further fueled by Travis Scott’s song FE!N, which became a popular soundtrack for social gatherings. As the term spread, people began associating it with an exaggerated longing or obsession, whether for a night out, a favorite food, or even a crush.


like idc what it takes ill get to you

♬ original sound - Colin Chief

Don’t Be Cheugy

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