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Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building
By cultivating a mindful, positive online presence, I’ve built a community of like-minded individuals who are equally committed to making the world a better place than how they found it.
Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building      Your something is worth building
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Pop off

Compliments someone who performed impressively.
During the meeting, Sarah really popped off with her creative ideas.

Although people in the UK have used the phrase "pop off" for decades to describe someone who quickly passes away, Gen-Z's definition of it today is quite different. The phrase has evolved over the years, and its most common use is to compliment someone if they performed exceptionally well in a situation. It conveys a positive meaning and serves as a motivating tool. For instance, someone might say that their friend "popped off" when they retaliated against their bully or "popped off" when they shared a hot Instagram post.


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