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Comparing PLANOLY's Desktop And Mobile Experiences

Best Practices
Best Practices
Best Practices
Reilly Purl
January 30, 2017

At CONNECT(ED)ITORIAL we love and value PLANOLY's dedication to creating a truly holistic planning experience. It's easy to plan accordingly via the mobile app while on the go, and at the same time, regroup and assess performance by tapping into the exclusive web tools on one's desktop dashboard. Today we're outlining a few key points of each experience and why (and how to harness) the power to create and plan content with maximum impact.


We like to use the desktop functionality for longer-term planning and assessment of post-performance, comment management and for finding content inspiration. It's important to note two features that really make this part of the PLANOLY experience essential: Discover (user-generated content/regram) + Reports. We touched on the launch of the Discover tool which allows one to search for any Instagram user or hashtag and seamlessly add it to their grid to be scheduled. The newly debuted Reports toggle is an amazing follow-up to this as it allows for one take a step back, streamline and review content reports. This is especially useful for teams who need to approve, comment or tweak upcoming posts. You can access this new feature by clicking the icon next to the "Add New Media" button and share any reports with colleagues by copying the Share button the upper right-hand corner of the screen (note that the link will be active for 48 hours before disappearing).

Planoly New Feature Plan Report Gif


You could say that this is PLANOLY's bread and butter as the app was originally conceived for those looking to have a simple and design-friendly visual management tool. The experience has only gotten better as it allows for quick and easy mass uploads of all kinds of media from your phone's photo album, Dropbox, Google Drive and the Discover feature (which in contrast to using on Desktop is a great way to kill time in between meetings or over a cup of coffee!). We also love the ability to quickly insert Placeholder images with correlating labels and colors to match. Additionally, if you're looking for a concise overview of analytics for the week, month and year, the mobile view of one's analytics and performance is a great way to touch base and have a general sense of how things are going within a certain time-frame.

Comparing PLANOLY's Desktop And Mobile Experiences - PLANOLY Blog


In short, there's no right or wrong way to use PLANOLY or any of its significant features - important factors to consider include the size of your team, your day-to-day schedule and your planning/content priorities. When it comes to getting the most out of the app, it all comes down to individual preference and working style. For those who find themselves en route, in meetings or in an unconventional work environment (i.e., freelancers, consultants, entrepreneurs and remote workers) you get the best of both worlds when tapping into the mobile app. Regardless both experiences are perfect for a quick check-in or easy upload!


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Your Something is Worth Building

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